Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Final Week of 2010!

This is our last blog entry for this year. It has been a great year with a great class. As with the beginning of any new year, I am as nervous as the new year 7 students who follow me from the hall on their first day. Why am I nervous? Well, I never know these 30 new students and I am always nervous about meeting my class and hoping that I will be able to teach them to the best of my ability and that they will reach their full potential.
This year I have been so lucky with my class - what a great bunch of students. I really hope they have enjoyed their year as much as I have and that they will go on to have a successful year next year in Year 8.
Finally I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.
Good bye from Room 3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 9

The production was awesome. There was films, and performances on the stage. It was awesome. My favourite was Room 13 because they found someone in the rubbish bin then at the end there was a surprise. The teachers dancing to Dyanmite. It was awesome!
By Tim

Week 8

This week we have been finishing off our last amazing race tri. This week we visited the U.K. It has been more of a challenge than other weeks because we are not studying one country but 4 (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales). For the roadblock teams have to perform; an Irish jig, speak in cockney slang, sing the Welsh national anthem and recite poetry. We have also been finishing our class movie (Clay's big adventure) with everyone pulling together to make the movie, which will either be shown on Monday 6th or Friday 10th of December in front of the school.
By Christian

Week 8

Over the past week in Room 3, we have been working on our movie that will be shown at this week's assembly. It is written by kids, performed by kids and filmed by kids. We have worked really hard on it and have done well. We even choreographed a dance! But it's all pretty hush right now so I cna't say much more about it. The only thing I will say is that you will be upset if you miss it. Apart from that, last week was quite average, but as we near the end of the year I'm sure that something exciting is just around the bend.
By Alyssa

Week 8

On Friday the Year 7's performed their productions to the Year 8's. Some classes did these on film, on stage and even on film and stage. When we finished there was a twist at the end. The Year 7 teachers thought they cold have a little fun and did a remix thing to Dynamite. It was hilarious! Everyone thought it was AWESOME!
By Jazz

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 7

Elvis is about to tell us where he is, and the Bermuda Triange council is about to tell us why it isn't a square, the phantom is taking off his mask, the full captain's log of the Marie Celeste has been found, Stonehenge blue prints are being revealed, Jack the Ripper is telling us who he is, the chicken is telling us if the egg bet him or not, a five year old is saying why he doesn't eat vegetables, the pope is confirming whether there is a god or isn't a god and the aliens are about to tell the meaning of life. Suddenly the video stops and a voice says, "Dr Kaligula and Clay are needed. Now!" As I walk down the corridor I can hear gasps of amazement, shock and horror, it was going to be a long day of filming.

By Grant

Week 6

This last week we have been working on Room 3's production, including writing, designing costumes, choreographing and auditioning for the characters. The characters and actors are: Clay (Christian), Dr K (Grant), Gent (Ariana), Suzie (Anna) and Clay's father and brother (Josh and George). I'm pretty sure I can't say anything else but it will be awesome! We have only just started to film but hopefully it will be finished by Friday.
By Catherine